Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our vision is that the Yankton region and the world would experience God's LIFE! The Great Commission is clear: to go and make disciples of all nations. Jesus' last command should be our first concern! As part of the Assemblies of God, we have missionaries all over the world who are making a difference among every people, nation, tribe and tongue. In fact, God's plan from the beginning is to bless His people to bless all peoples.

Interested in going on a missions trip?
In 2025, we have several missions trips options that you can be a part of. To fill out an interest form, click on the represented picture below. Please note, the youth summer trips are open to students 15 years or older and youth leaders or parents of youth attending. The Jamaica trip is open to adults 18 years and older. The Rosebud missions trip is open to adults and families.
Jamaica trip: March 25 -April 1 2025 $2,000 Rosebud trip: $400 for single/ $350 per additional family member