River City Kids is a vibrant, faith-filled environment where children birth-5th grade can encounter Jesus! River City Kids includes...

0-2 years
3 years - Kindergarten
1st - 5th Grade
Kids Ministry happens during our regular service times
Sundays 10 AM | Wednesdays 6:30 PM
Parents and guardians will need to check kids into River City Kids before service starts. Your child's safety is of utmost importance to us.
Why Kids Ministry?
We believe that children and youth are the church of today, not the church of tomorrow.
In fact, you will often hear us say that there is no such thing as a Jr. Holy Spirit.
The same Holy Spirit that wants to fill our adults, wants to fill our kids as well.
In fact, you will often hear us say that there is no such thing as a Jr. Holy Spirit.
The same Holy Spirit that wants to fill our adults, wants to fill our kids as well.